Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Final Project Proposal

I would like to do a final project that is an interactive novel. However, I will include a "human" line and "cyborg or computer" line and incorporate various thought processes involved for both a human and a machine.I’ll be presenting ideas represented in Blade Runner and I Robot. The “adventure” in both the human line and robot line will introduce the audience to dilemmas that can arrive from both conscious thought and “robotic” or programmed responses.


Jake The Snake said...

Alright, now I understand this and you understand this, but since we agreed more could be said...

We have the idea here that a Choose-Your-Own-Adventure novel creation will represent human and machine, basically, but it doesn't go into detail on how exactly. The proposal needs an example of the process and the motivation to do so. What are we trying to prove here, exactly? Actually, for being a book, it doesn't really have to prove anything but to be entertaining, but I believe you said there was a reason, that it has a premise that says something.

Adam Johns said...

This is a very rough proposal. I think it sounds interesting, but since you don't explain any of your terms/background -- e.g., how do we distinguish between "conscious thought" and "robotic thought," are you talking about literally robotic thought (that is, thinking *by* machines), or machine-like thought (that is, programmed/automatic thought *by* people). We'll see what the draft looks like...