Thursday, April 10, 2008

Sean Rough Draft

Here is what I have thus far.  The .pdf isn't 100% functioning, because its just a word export.

1 comment:

Adam Johns said...

I think this is fascinating and ambitious. I also think that to work well it's going to need to be quite long - either that, or you're going to need a way of bringing all the branching, flowering ideas together, and achieving some sort of approximation of a resolution. Maybe not a conventional one - maybe one that, in some well-prepped way, would launch us in a circle, or into something perfectly real on the actual internet.

One big curiosity of your main character so far is that he doesn't really say anything about human connections - that might be deliberate, but at some point either he needs to have some friends or acquantainces, or we need to know why... One of those characterization things.

I think the tangents, footnotes, and essay-like observations are highly effective.

Anyway, it seems like only a beginning, but a very promising one.